Topics and Sessions

1. Fertility, Family Planning, Sexual Behavior, and Reproductive Health32
2. HIV Prevention and Sexual and Reproductive Health Service Linkages 8. Family Planning, Reproductive Health, and Fertility in Africa 9. Fertility Timing and Child Well-Being 20. Population Policy 21. On the Border: Understanding Family Planning 26. Fertility Change and Ethnic Identity in Africa 35. Involving Men - for Better or Worse? 38. Contraceptive Choices in Context 40. Gender and Reproductive Health 44. Fertility and Family Planning in the Context of HIV/AIDS 56. Sexual and Romantic Relationships 57. Infertility and Childlessness 63. Economics of Fertility 74. Contraception: The Determinants of Choice 80. Fertility and Reproductive Health During/After Bad times 92. HIV Prevention and Consequences 93. Abortion I 100. Adolescent Fertility and Reproductive Health in Africa 111. Abortion II 116. Fertility Decline and Changing Gender Relations 124. Unintended and Ambivalently Intended Fertility 127. Family Planning, Reproductive Health, and Fertility in Asia 141. Fertility and Social, Economic, and Political Instability 147. Sex and Sexuality 161. Measurement of Fertility in Low Fertility Contexts 164. Correspondence Between Fertility Intentions and Behavior in International Context 172. Measuring and Modeling African Fertility 179. Innovations in Data Collection and Measurement on Fertility and Sexual Behavior 182. Methods of Contraception: Some Interesting Trends and Differentials 183. Contextual Influences on Fertility Intentions 195. Violence and SRH Outcomes: Measurements, Associations, and Meanings 197. New Views on Early Parenthood: Gender and Cross-National Perspectives
2. Marriage, Family, and Households24 3. Children and Youth23 4. Health and Mortality35
6. Race, Ethnicity, and Health: Contextual Influences 14. Economic Conditions and Mortality 15. Qualitative Methods in Studying Health and Mortality 24. HIV/AIDS 32. Income, Neighborhoods, and Health 39. Adult Mortality 42. Adolescents, Young Adults, and Mental Health 60. Health and Mortality - International Experiences 67. Early Life Health and Later Life Outcomes 82. Scarring and Selection Effects of Health Shocks in Childhood 85. Cross-National Studies of Adult Health and Mortality using SAGE and INDEPTH data 95. Health Behaviors and Health Disparities 103. Environmental Impacts on Health and Mortality 107. Methodological Issues in Health and Mortality: Trajectories 113. Maternal Mortality: Data Collection and Measurement Issues 121. Emerging Puzzles in Self-Rated Health 122. Methodological Issues in Health and Mortality: Longitudinal studies 126. Historical Mortality Patterns 133. HIV Care and Prevention 135. Biodemographic Influences on Health and Mortality 139. Socio-Economic and Psycho-Social Influences on Health and Mortality 143. Innovations in Bringing Environmental Aspects into Health and Mortality Research 146. Becoming a Centenarian 149. Infant and Child Mortality 153. Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Differentials in Health and Mortality 155. Methodological Issues in Health and Mortality 157. The Impact of Recessions of Health 166. Maternal Mortality: Trends and Correlates 167. Infant/Child Mortality: International Research 169. Health Behaviors, Health, and Mortality 170. Early Life Influences on Health and Mortality 171. Contextual Influences on Health and Mortality 185. Health Insurance and Health Care Utilization 189. International Perspectives on Health and Mortality 194. Education and Health
5. Race, Ethnicity, and Gender11 6. Migration, Neighborhoods, and Urbanization17 7. Economy, Labor Force, Education, and Inequality11 8. Population, Development, and Environment7 9. Population and Aging13 10. Data and Methods8 11. Applied Demography5 12. Other Topics12 14. Poster Sessions7