Session 146:
Becoming a Centenarian
Chair: Nan E. Johnson, Michigan State University
Discussant: Hui Liu, Michigan State University
Discussant: John R. Wilmoth, University of California, Berkeley
The Era of Centenarians – the Mortality of Swedish Oldest-Old Sven Drefahl, Stockholm University ; Hans Lundstrom, Statistics Sweden ; Anders Ahlbom, Karolinska Institutet
Old Age Mortality Measurement and Modeling Natalia S. Gavrilova, University of Chicago ; Leonid A. Gavrilov, University of Chicago
The Survival Advantage of Siblings of Centenarians: Contribution of Childhood Conditions Valérie Jarry, Université de Montréal ; Robert R. Bourbeau, Université de Montréal ; Alain Gagnon, University of Western Ontario
Whose Mortality Decelerates? Multi-Stage Mortality Selection and the Poverty Puzzle Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Felix Elwert, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Other sessions on Health and Mortality