Thursday, March 31 / 3:30 PM - 5:20 PM   •   Wilson C

Session 67:
Early Life Health and Later Life Outcomes

Chair: Scott M. Lynch, Princeton University
Discussant: Steven A. Haas, Arizona State University
Discussant: Jennifer Van Hook, Pennsylvania State University

  1. Does the Social Safety Net Mediate How Childhood Health Affects Older Adults’ Well-Being?Enrica Croda, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia

  2. Do Health Inequalities Equalize in South African Adolescents? A Test of West’s Hypothesis Using Body Composition OutcomesPaula Griffiths, Loughborough University ; William Johnson, Loughborough University ; Noel Cameron, Loughborough University ; John M. Pettifor, University of the Witwatersrand ; Shane Norris, University of the Witwatersrand

  3. The Late Emergence of Socioeconomic Mortality Differentials: A Micro-Level Study of Working Age and Elderly Mortality in Southern Sweden 1815-1968Tommy Bengtsson, Lund University ; Martin Dribe, Lund University

  4. The Relationship between Socio-Economic Status through the Life Course and Adult Obesity among Older Singaporeans: Application of the ‘Accumulation of Risk’, ‘Social Mobility’, and ‘Sensitive Periods’ FrameworksRahul Malhotra, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore ; Chetna Malhotra, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore ; Angelique Chan, National University of Singapore ; Truls Østbye, Duke University and Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore

Other sessions on Health and Mortality