Friday, April 1 / 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM   •   Delaware Suite B

Session 79:
Internal Migration

Chair: Ronald C. Caldwell, University of Kansas
Discussant: Terra McKinnish, University of Colorado at Boulder
Discussant: Abigail Wozniak, University of Notre Dame

  1. For Whose Sake Do Couples Relocate? Gender, Career Opportunities, and Couples’ Internal Migration in SwedenMaria Brandén, Stockholm University ; Sara Ström, Stockholm University

  2. The Role of Marriage Markets in the Inter-Metropolitan Distribution of Skilled CouplesThomas Cooke, University of Connecticut

  3. Location Decisions and Preferences for Home and FamilyPatrick Coate, Duke University

  4. The Interdependence of Spatial Mobility and Job MobilityJohannes Huinink, University of Bremen ; Sergi Vidal, University of Bremen ; Stefanie A. Kley, Universität Hamburg

Other sessions on Migration, Neighborhoods, and Urbanization