Thursday, March 31 / 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM   •   Tyler

Session 54:
Subnational Estimates and Projections

Chair: Warren A. Brown, University of Georgia
Discussant: David A. Egan-Robertson, State of Wisconsin

  1. The Plausibility of Small Area Estimates of Demographic Quantities from Census and Survey Data in Sub-Saharan AfricaDennis Feehan, Princeton University

  2. Changing Questions, Changing Races: New Indigenous People in Contemporary AmericaCarolyn A. Liebler, University of Minnesota ; Timothy Ortyl, University of Minnesota

  3. Projections of the Population of California by Nativity and Year of Entry to the U.S., in Addition to Age, Sex, Race, and Hispanic OriginJohn Pitkin, Analysis and Forecasting, Inc. ; Dowell Myers, University of Southern California

  4. The Applicability of Lee-Carter Method to Forecast Health Services Use in BrazilCristina GuimarĂ£es Rodrigues, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR), UFMG ; Monica V. Andrade, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR), UFMG ; Carla J. Machado, Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR), UFMG

Other sessions on Applied Demography