Thursday, March 31 / 3:30 PM - 5:20 PM   •   Thurgood Marshall North

Session 55:
Measuring Progress Toward Millennium Development Goals in Africa

Chair: Rachel Nugent, Center for Global Development (CGD)
Discussant: T. Paul Schultz, Yale University

  1. Beyond MDG 5: Family Planning and Development in AfricaTricia Petruney, Family Health International (FHI)

  2. MDGs As if Africa Mattered: Setting New Goals that the Region Can ReachCharles Kenney, Center for Global Development (CGD)

  3. Harnessing Population Growth and the MDGs for African DevelopmentShanta Devarajan, World Bank Group

  4. Focus UNFPA: Conclusions from the Center for Global Development Working Group Report on UNFPA’s Leadership TransitionJotham Musinguzi, Partners in Population and Development, Africa Region

Other sessions on Population, Development, and Environment