Saturday, April 2 / 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM   •   Thurgood Marshall West

Session 148:
Family Change and Continuity

Chair: Carrie E. Spearin, Brown University
Discussant: Katherine Stamps Mitchell, Louisiana State University

  1. Changes in the Living Arrangements and Social Situations of Australia’s Younger AdultsPeter D. Brandon, Carleton College

  2. Family Formation among Highly Educated Women in the U.S.: Examining Trends in Age at First Birth and Levels of Childlessness for Birth Cohorts 1921-1975Hannah Brueckner, Yale University ; Natalie Nitsche, Yale University ; Silke Aisenbrey, Yeshiva University

  3. The Changing Demography of Nonmarital Fertility in the United StatesSarah R. Hayford, Arizona State University ; Karen B. Guzzo, Bowling Green State University

  4. Changing Patterns of Union Dissolution: A Meta-Analysis on the Role of EducationAnna Matysiak, Warsaw School of Economics ; Daniele Vignoli, University of Florence ; Marta Styrc, Warsaw School of Economics

Other sessions on Marriage, Family, and Households