International Migration from India and Inflow of Remittances

Kunal Keshri, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Ram B. Bhagat, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

There is a complete dearth of literature on international out-migration from India and inflow of remittances. Set to this context the present study attempts to explore the pattern and magnitude of international out-migration from India, assess the background characteristics of out-migrants and the inflow of remittances, using the recently released data of 64th round of National Sample Survey (2007-2008). It is found that large number of emigrants from India are living out-side the country (4.4 million) and state of Kerala has contributed more than one third of emigrants. Interestingly, a substantial number of people migrate to other countries for short duration and majority of them are from Delhi, Bihar and Kerala. Major proportions of out-migrants are males, belonged to the age-group of 20-40 years, migrated for employment purpose and came from households having higher expenditure. Emigrants from urban areas have remit higher amount of money than their rural counterparts.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Poster Session 3