Food Security, Deforestation, and Gender in Garhwal Himalaya

Shiv Narayan Sidh, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Sharmishtha Basu,, Jawaharlal Nehru University

The state of forest resources in the Himalayan region is not very encouraging. The forest cover is depleting due to increase in human population in the region. The study has investigated the impact of deforestation on young women’s daily life and health from a gendered lens and their coping strategy because women are solely responsible for the environmental goods collection (EGC’s). The study has measured the dimensionalities of collection activities by trekking women with the help of hand-held Global Positioning System (GPS). FGD’s and IDI’s were conducted. The data reveals that women are finding it increasingly difficult to meet daily household needs of fuel and fodder over the time and have to ascend 1200 meters and traverse 12 kms daily to meet household demand. Depletion of forest has adversely impacted the household fuel and fodder security which is instrumental in defining the food, nutrition and economic security of village.

  See extended abstract

Presented in Session 70: Population, Consumption, and Environmental Quality