Session 51:
Measurement and Methods in Population and Environment Research
Chair: Constance T. Gager, Montclair State University
Discussant: Prem B. Bhandari, University of Michigan
Perception and Behavior Concerning the Environment: A Multidimensional Measure of Environmental Perception Using Grade of Membership Roberto Luiz do Carmo, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) ; Gilvan R. Guedes, Brown University
Land Developability: Developing an Index of Land Use and Development for Population Research Guangqing Chi, Mississippi State University
Do You Know How Safe Your Air Is? Assessment of a Survey Measure of Perceived Air Quality Katherine King, University of Michigan
Environmental Resources, Land Degradation and Fertility in West Africa: Do We Need Better Measures or Better Theory? Isaac Sasson, University of Texas at Austin
Other sessions on Population, Development, and Environment