Session 125:
Formal Demography I: Mathematical Models and Methods
Chair: Samuel J. Clark, University of Washington
Discussant: Adrian Raftery, University of Washington
The IMEM Model for Estimating International Migration Flows between Countries in Europe James Raymer, University of Southampton ; Jonathan J. Forster, University of Southampton ; Peter W.F. Smith, University of Southampton ; Jakub Bijak, University of Southampton ; Arkadiusz Wisniowski, University of Southampton ; Guy J. Abel, University of Southampton
Recent Rises in Cohort Fertility in the Industrialized World: Using Bayesian Methods to Extrapolate Trends while Preserving Cohort Features Joshua R. Goldstein, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Mikko Myrskylä, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Carl P. Schmertmann, Florida State University ; Emilio Zagheni, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Modifying the Lee-Carter Method to Project Mortality Changes up to 2100 Nan Li, United Nations ; Patrick Gerland, United Nations Population Division
Dynamics of Death in the Lee-Carter Model Shripad Tuljapurkar, Stanford University
Other sessions on Data and Methods