Session 120:
Gender Inequality in Educational and Labor Force Outcomes
Chair: Alexandra Killewald, University of Michigan
Discussant: Thomas A. DiPrete, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Discussant: Kimberlee A. Shauman, University of California, Davis
Causal Effects of Single-Sex Schools on Students’ STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Outcomes by Gender and Parental SES Hyunjoon Park, University of Pennsylvania ; Jere Behrman, University of Pennsylvania ; Jaesung Choi, University of Pennsylvania
The Consequences of Career Choice: Family and Income Disparities among Women in Science and Other Elite Professions Anne McDaniel, Ohio State University ; Claudia Buchmann, Ohio State University
The Missing Women in Science, Math, Engineering, and Behavioral Science Jobs? Accounting for Gender Differences in Entrance into SMEB Occupations Sharon Sassler, Cornell University ; Yael Levitte, Cornell University ; Jennifer Glass, University of Iowa ; Katherine Michelmore, Cornell University
Degrees of Difference: Gender Segregation of Doctorates by Field and Institutional Prestige in the U.S. Kim Weeden, Cornell University ; Sarah Thebaud, Princeton University ; Dafna Gelbgiser, Cornell University
Other sessions on Race, Ethnicity, and Gender