Session 108:
Residential Mobility and Housing Choice
Chair: Susan Clampet-Lundquist, Princeton University
Discussant: Susan Clampet-Lundquist, Princeton University
Discussant: Kenya Covington, California State University, Northridge
The Reconcentration of Poverty: Patterns of Housing Voucher Use, 2000 to 2008 Molly Metzger, Northwestern University
Examining the Impact of the Housing Boom on Minority Neighborhood Access Mary J. Fischer, University of Connecticut ; Travis Lowe, University of Connecticut
Race and Space: Racial Experiences in Neighborhood Transitions out of Public Housing Melody L. Boyd, Temple University
Stereotyping Neighborhoods, Not Individuals? Testing the Race-Based Neighborhood Stereotyping Hypothesis Katherine Pearson, Pennsylvania State University
Other sessions on Migration, Neighborhoods, and Urbanization