Session 104:
Family Response to Economic Recession and Natural Disaster
Chair: Jennie E. Brand, University of California, Los Angeles
Discussant: Christopher McKelvey, University of Maryland
Expectations versus Realizations of Familial Insurance: Evidence from the Great Recession of 2008 Donald Cox, Boston College ; Megan M. Way, Babson College
Children’s Economic Well-Being during the Great Recession: Variation by Family Structure, Socioeconomic Status, and Race and Ethnicity Sheela Kennedy, University of Minnesota ; Catherine A. Fitch, University of Minnesota
The Effects of Recession on Household Composition: "Doubling up" and Economic Wellbeing Laryssa Mykyta, U.S. Census Bureau ; Suzanne Macartney, U.S. Census Bureau
Breakup and Economic Circumstances of New Orleans Households Four Years after Hurricane Katrina Michael S. Rendall, RAND Corporation
Other sessions on Marriage, Family, and Households